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Monday, January 14, 2013

Controversial Young Aged Models Need "Child" Rights

It's Monday...back to school for most students! Well, how about the younger teen models? Some teens go to school and are able to work during their vacations, but that's the choice of the model & family. There really is no mandated regulation because there is no universal model's union, though, to ensure that teens who want to model full-time have their education via tutors...such as "child actors". There are no specialty labor laws to address how many hours a "child model under 18" can work, have meals, education, protective rights like other laborers their age. It doesn't seem really fair.

Most of us know why some fashion designers and photographers like their artistic freedom of using very young models, but can't there be a "compromise" to protect the welfare of these very young girls that are already portayed as "women" in provacotive & see-through garments?

A lot of teen girls like to "dress-up" with beautiful hair and make-up t
o look a little older, so they are not likely advocates for themselves. It's up to adults to be "ethical" and not portray or place the models in "overtly" sexual garments that should be saved for age 18+.

Yes, this is a contoversial topic because artistic expression can often have blurred lines of what they determine to be their artistic freedom, BUT artistic freedom should NEVER jeopardize the ethical portrayal of an under-age model anywhere in our society. It is not a stretch to just use age 18+ for lingerie, nudes, and semi-nudes. It's a start!
 Here's a Link to the story and slideshow