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Thursday, January 3, 2013

No Lack of Beauty When You Look Closely Beyond Size

No Lack of Beauty When You Look Closely Beyond Size.

The model link (Hannah Mavestrand album, HNS) is probably not a size 0/2/4. She has her own unique style of beauty. Some find her look ideal while others in the industry may choose another smaller or larger model. (see more of her pictures;) It's too bad that more girls (& guys) don't appreciate their own natural matter what size they are.

Looks and bodies can change, but there is a certain natural beauty that gets lost when people compare themselves and others "only" to one standard of "ideal".

Just as there are so many types of beauty...we are seeing more versions of models. There should not be the concept within the industry that "one type" is the only real type of model standard.

Consumers, including extra-impressionable kids, see multi-media advertising, so it's to the advantage of the clients and models to become more diverse to show that there can be a balanced income potential for the industry, as well as a message with positive body images for society to re-learn as other "ideals".

High Fashion vs. Plus Size Fashion vs. Commercial Catalog vs. Fitness vs. Bikini vs. Fitness vs. Fit Models vs. Alternative Models, etc...all have their own requirements within the modeling industry regarding where they fit in, so let's get rid of the stereotype that there is only one ideal in the industry to be called a "real model".

Mixed messages are potent at confusing everyone's self-esteem and body image, so if society sees more positive acceptance of places for all kinds of people to fit in there may be less people feeling isolated or unaccepted for who they "naturally" are.

We can't go along with promoting extremes in modeling like anorexia, eating disorders, or morbid obesity, etc. due to health being an entirely different issue, but there's a social aspect within each model group to connect with each other as they work on their careers and educate each other. Models can simply bond over common interests and issues within the industry. (Remember our concept of A.K.A. Models?? This is our shared international page about modeling that can cross most borders if you believe that there is a social impact from fashion, advertising, and culture that is pretty much universal.)

People can't help who they are attracted to in friendships, but putting that aside to value others work and appreciate what they do is a BIG step in social acceptance that reaches FAR well beyond modeling.

Hannah Mavestrand New Shots | Healthy Is The New Skinny

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