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Friday, January 4, 2013


Stay Friendly with your Agency's Booker ;)
"Experience" is something in Commercial Modeling that is respected.

When a client looks at a model's portfolio and sees their experience working with other clients...there can be a psychological signal that because others have hired them, the model must be successful at their job. They conclude that this model probably is reliable, capable, professional, etc...just from their experience vs. an inexperienced model with no proof of successful results working for commercial clients.

Clayton Nelson Photo Credit
Models don't last long if they're "not" striving to be professional. Just as in Fashion Modeling...there can be a popularity "hype", too, so models need to keep a good relationship with their bookers that are working to find jobs. A positive thing for the model is that the more experience that they get...the higher the rates the Booker can try to get for them. That's a win-win situation because the Booker receives a higher commission when the model makes more money. ;)

-- A.K.A. Models Educational Series