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Monday, March 25, 2013

GIRL MODEL and my little opinion

PBS Documentary that I've been waiting to share is available, now. Each country (& city) has a unique modeling market, so scouts and agents learn what the "in" look is. It can be totally unpredictable even if they find the "New Faces" that ...suit their market.

This documentary follows a 13 year old girl to Japan. Everyone can form their own opinions to who is responsible. I'd like to find a way for there to be no question about what everyone must do to remain accountable...even models. I want them to be issued model cards with real age...even affordable "group rated" smartphones to help with everything from GPS, Internet, email, and any helpful applications. Maybe in the future every portfolio will be on a tablet with wifi, Skype, & phone.

My HUGEST wish is to help create a modeling industry association that could help do more!

Can you imagine issuing heavy fines to agencies and clients if they abuse new industry guidelines??? That $$$ out of pocket could certainly impact at least a few decisions to how they scout, book, and care for child models. Modeling is still a business and money talks! If people in the industry have a problem with NOT taking care of child models, lying to families, and following laws and rules...They should get negative marks toward their name and business (just like the BBB and even credit reports have). Repeat abusers should be documented. This industry is like the Wild West! Please support model advocates because we are not if we want to ruin the fashion industry! NONSENSE!

It will ultimately give the industry at least a BETTER reputation if society knows they are not violating human rights, child pornography, human trafficking, etc. The better industry will start receiving credit for participation in a professional association that adds value to its members as healthy people...not just as commodities.